It’s Time To


Are You Ready to Transform Your Health?

Creating a healthier, more balanced life can be flexible and fun. I am here to be your personal advocate, helping you get to the root of your health concerns and guiding you towards lasting wellness.

Personalized Support for Your Unique Needs

It's all about you and your body. Utilizing root cause testing methods, we will discover the tools, foods, and lifestyle choices that best suit you on your new journey to health. I ensure to provide you with a bioindividualized plan that caters to your specific needs, helping you achieve your health goals and enjoy a lifetime of balance.

Let's Achieve Your Health Goals Together

Are you ready to transform your health and lifestyle? Let's embark on this journey together and create the vibrant, balanced life you deserve. I look forward to supporting you every step of the way!

Is this program for you?

Ask yourself these questions…

  1. Are you committed and determined to finally achieve your health goals?

  2. Are you done with restrictive, complicated diets that leave you feeling deprived?

  3. And Are you eager to elevate your lifestyle and embrace lasting wellness?

If you have answered YES to these questions then YES this program is for YOU!

Your Roadmap To Health

  • We want to make sure we vibe because I’ve learned that if you don’t vibe with your mentor, we will just be wasting time. We will determine what you need based on your specific health and wellness goals. You decide which plan, functional labs and payment options best fit your needs.

    Apply here.

  • After you apply, we will discuss the best plan for you via a quick call or email. You will be added to the coaching portal and community. You will also be sent the link for payment at this time. Expect to receive your at-home labs in the mail after payment is made.

  • After I receive your results, you will receive a link to book your consultation, where we deep dive into your health history, discuss your results, and create your very own personalized wellness plan.

  • Time to get to work. ;) After all, what is knowledge without action? You can take it as fast or as slow as you want. We want your healing journey to be sustainable and attainable. You will be added to a private community for support and of course, you will get weekly check-ins through your portal. You will also get access to additional resources as needed. Your success is our goal.

Choose your direction


Comprehensive Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test Included

  • Gain deep insights into your body’s mineral balance and overall health

  • A tailored plan designed to meet your unique health needs and goals

  • Enjoy a 5-15% discount on high quality supplements to support your wellness journey

  • Optional: 30-minute call to discuss your results and next steps

  • Join our community for added support and resources to help you on your journey

  • One month of continued support via private messaging.

Nourished and Balanced

2 x Comprehensive Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Tests Included (before and after)

  • A 90-minute initial consult and a 60-minute retest consult to thoroughly understand and address your health needs

  • A custom-tailored plan to help you achieve your unique health goals

  • 90-day supplement supply to support your wellness journey for three months

  • Twelve in-depth workbooks covering various aspects of holistic health and wellness

  • Twelve weekly calls to provide added support and keep you on track

  • Access to our community for added support and accountability

  • Tools and guides to help you implement lifestyle changes and guide your transformation effectively

Payment plan options available

What You'll Accomplish…

Feel the Thrill of Achievement

Wake up every day excited that you've finally reached your health goals. Imagine the sense of accomplishment you'll feel knowing that all your hard work and dedication have paid off. This program will guide you every step of the way, ensuring you achieve the results you've always dreamed of.

Attain Unmatched Well-being

Achieve a sense of calm and well-being you hadn't even known was possible. You'll feel balanced and centered, with a deep inner contentment that supports your physical and emotional health. This holistic approach will elevate every aspect of your life.

Master Your Nutrition

Know exactly what to eat to effortlessly maintain your dream weight for the long term. No more guessing or restrictive diets. You'll learn how to nourish your body with the right foods, making healthy eating a natural and enjoyable part of your life.

Secure Your Future Health

Make lasting changes that help prevent disease and extend your life. By adopting these new habits and lifestyle choices, you'll protect your health and ensure a longer, more fulfilling life. You'll not only feel great now but also invest in a healthier future.

Transform Your Daily Life

Revolutionize your daily routines and rituals to support the best possible version of yourself. Your days will be filled with healthy habits and positive actions that nurture your body and soul, creating a foundation for long-term success and happiness.

Experience Renewed Vitality

Enjoy revitalized health and restored energy, feeling better than ever. Picture yourself with endless energy, ready to take on the day without the fatigue that has held you back. Your body will be rejuvenated, allowing you to live life to the fullest with a newfound zest and enthusiasm.


  • I started this journey a skeptic 150lb mommy. Growing up in a third world country, healthy living was not a priority. We just got by with whatever we had. And I took that mindset along with me. But I always wondered why I was deteriorating much quicker than I anticipated. I was overweight, I was feeling weak, and exhausted most of the time, I was developing unexplained ailments I had no idea why. I am so glad to have been introduced to this program. Every week, I read a module about things I should already know. I didn’t realize all I needed was Fatima to push me and get me to commit to better habits. I am now at 135lbs and exercising daily. I feel a lot healthier. No more guilt from giving my kids junk, I am very proud to say I am almost 100% toxic free living. Once a week, I still give in to my boba craving and lunching fast food chain, but overall, I am on the right track. Thank you for all the support.


  • I had health reason that made me aware of what I was doing to my body. Being recently retired this was my perfect opportunity to clean my life up. Kind Heart Lifestyle has thankfully made this pretty painless for me. I am continuously learning and continuing to clean up my life. Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? Thank you!


  • Kind Heart Lifestyle is my No. 1 source of info for everything natural and toxin free products. I have consulted Kind Heart Lifestyle numerous times, especially before buying stuff for my kids, and they are always fast to respond. They are very knowledgeable and I trust them. I don’t just buy anything online anymore without asking their opinion.


  • Before I started working with Kind Heart Lifestyle (Fatima), I was exhausted, burnt out, and not feeling my best. She has helped me through so many different layers and facets of healing and I now have hope! I have seen so much improvement in my life already- from getting a full rested sleep regularly, learning to love my body, and getting excited to exercise! I am so excited to implement changes in other areas of my life.


  • Before I found Kind Heart Lifestyle, I had a problem with label reading (I assumed everything sold to us are safe). Just like politics—everyone lies. I was very frustrated and annoyed that advertising and labels are so misleading. I was happy when I found Kind Heart Lifestyle because they have true knowledge backed with a real passion to help and educate people. Ever since getting guidance from Kind Heart Lifestyle, I am more confident than ever that the products I’m using work and are safe.
